Pepper Robot

Pepper Robot

The Pepper Robot, produced by SoftBank, is poorly documented. We received one in April of 2023, and its tablet only displayed shining bubbles with no possibility for touch interaction. We were able to get it working by plugging the hip key into the back of its head, popping off the cover and finding the Ethernet jack on the back.

We're not quite sure what made the Settings menu show up; we did ask it to "run settings" and "launch settings" by voice 5 or 10 minutes before it showed up, and we also had inserted the Ethernet cable. Once the Settings menu is visible, you can log in with your own Aldeberan account and factory reset the Pepper to remove the old password and configuration.

After factory reset, the documentation claims it should open settings. We had to connect it to Choregraphe and run boot-config's behavior.xar in order to get to settings.